Abenteuer Informatik

Permanent exhibition

Understanding computer science and having fun at the same time. That is the credo of this special kind of exhibition created by Jens Gallenbacher, TU Darmstadt. Fundamental ideas of computer science are brought to life at experimental stations. With puzzles, magic tricks, brainteasers and many fun AHA effects, many questions about computer science from everyday life can be answered in a playful and entertaining way. Abenteuer Informatik is ideal for school classes, for young and old, for interested computer science newcomers as well as for computer science experienced and students.

More information can be found at https://edulab.ifs.tuwien.ac.at/programme/abenteuer-informatik/ (in German).


Gerald Futschek

Lukas Lehner


Thank you to our partners that made “Abenteuer Informatik” possible at TU Wien.